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Monday 14 May 2012

Report on the Milverton Annual Parish Council Meeting
14th May 2012

Russell Jenkins was elected as Chairman for the coming year and Trevor Phelps elected Vice Chairman.

Councillors considered a request form the Tone Action Group to appear at the forthcoming Public Inquiry into the Foxes meadow development. It was agreed that the Parish Council would be prepared to give evidence in regarding traffic impacts on Milverton.

Councillors briefly discussed the proposal to amend the S52 agreement that dictates the access to the controversial Creedwell development. Noting that the consultation document and accompanying traffic report had not been formally received it was agreed to give a substantive response at the next meeting on 11th June.

The proposed Neighbourhood Plan was discussed and the initial meeting of the Steering Group took place immediately after the Parish Council meeting.

PC Jo Jeffrey reported a considerable escalation in shed burglaries and urged everyone to be vigilant and make sure their property was secure.

Councillors discussed the Triathlon which passed through the village at the weekend. All agreed that the one way system had operated much better this year and thanks were offered to the Kingsmead fundraisers who had helped. However concern was expressed about the extreme speed of some cyclists which resulted in several near misses. It was reported that some elderly residents had taken 15 minutes to cross Sand Street to get to the shop and in some cases they had needed an escort..

Councillors also confirmed that they wished to proceed with the purchase of the Preston Bowyer phone box which will be re-located to a site within Milverton.

The Clerk presented the accounts for 2011/12 together with the report from the External Auditor Nigel Morris. All was in order and the final documents will be passed to the Audit Commission nominees before the end of the month.

Cllt Trevor Phelps suggested that a Conservation and Footpath volunteer group be set up under the auspices of the Parish Council. It was agreed to discuss this proposal in more detail at the next meeting.

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