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Friday 28 July 2017

Report on Meeting of Milverton Parish Council 3rd July 2017

The main item for discussion was the consultation on the proposed Telecommunications Mast alongside the footpath that runs from Wood Street to Quaking House. Several residents were in attendance and expressed a variety of concerns. Councillors noted that it was just a consultation on a prior approval and agreed that the village did need an improved mobile signal. However they expressed concern about the proposed site for the following reasons:
  1. The proposed access is via Public Footpath WG7/25 but there is no indication that the SCC Footpath department has been consulted. Therefore its views need to be taken account of before this application is approved.
  2. There are several residential properties with children within 200m. Councillors noted that any school within 200m has to be taken account of and feels this should also extend to residential properties.
  3. Councillors accept that there is little landscape impact looking from south to north but feel that the mast would be a prominent feature when viewed from the east.
  4. Councillors heard from several residents who owned or have rights (passage and services) over the proposed access route. Councillors felt that the applicant needed to clarify his requirements and obtain the necessary consents before using this route for construction and maintenance.

Under matters to report concern was raised that the school had reached capacity and three new children who had recently moved to the village could not be offered places. Cllr James Hunt from SCC said that he had not heard that report but promised to investigate.

The Chairman reported that the much anticipated consultation over the future of Milverton Surgery was scheduled to start on 10th July although the documents had not yet been finalised.

Councillors discussed the increasing workload on the Council, and the Clerk especially, with the continued and threatened cascade of services. There was also a question of risk over the reliance on one individual and the need to undertake appropriate succession planning. It was therefore agreed that steps would be taken to recruit a Deputy Clerk to assist Gwilym Wren.

Under Roads Councillors were pleased that the various areas that needed cutting back were on the SCC schedule.

The Clerk reported that he had not been able to find a contractor to weed the Jubilee Gardens and would ask Michael Branfield to assist.

There was also a lengthy discussion about the recent joint meeting between the Amenity Committee and the Recreation Ground Committee. The main outcome had been that the Recreation Ground Committee was unwilling to operate the toilets or undertake fundraising to support them and so had decided to close them when the current arrangement with the Parish Council ceased on 31st July. Councillors expressed concerns that the future operation of the Recreation Ground is not on a sustainable footing and the Amenity Committee will seek a further meeting to offer support.

In June the Council spent £2100 on toilet cleaning, salaries, PAYE and insurance.
Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton Parish Council

4th July 2017

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