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Monday 1 February 2010

Meeting February 2010: Brief Report

Matters Arising
The new delegated planning agreement has been signed with TDBC.
The Parish Council website has a new domain name

Councillors were pleased to welcome Ellen Harty from the Somerset Rural Youth Group who gave a brief presentation about the project. Its aim is a 50% reduction in anti social behaviour by 31st March 2011.
The project moves around the area trying to establish where antisocial behaviour is a problem and tries to meet the young people concerned to see what the causes are and what can be done about them.
The project team also liaises with parish Councils, Playing Field committees and the police.
The meeting identified a need within Milverton and Ellen promised a visit in the near future.

Councillors also welcomed Richard Stead the Head of Milverton Community School who also gave a brief talk. The school is thriving and receives good reports; the peer mentoring scheme is particularly successful.
Currently there are 207 pupils against a capacity of 210 of which 70% come from the village and 30% from elsewhere. Numbers are expected to stay constant over the next few years.

The Parish Council supported the planning application for a new building and chipstore at the sawmills.

Councillors then had a major discussion about Taunton Deane's Core Strategy. Members reaffirmed their strong opposition to development at Creedwell and resolved to
1) Produce a short public statement setting out their position and
2) Respond to the consultation strongly opposing the proposal to build 50 houses at Creedwell Orchard.
In view of the small attendance at the meeting, Councillors agreed to host a public meeting on 17th February in the Victoria Rooms when they would set out the Council's detailed response to the consultation. The Action Group would be invited to participate.

PC Jo Jeffrey reported that crime was very low partly because of the very cold weather. She also commended Horse Watch which was aimed at raising awareness of and preventing horse related crime.

Under Matters to report the proposed closure of the Milverton toilets by TDBC was raised.

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