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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

5th January 2015
7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 1st December have been circulated with the summons to this meeting. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.
  1. Planning
  1. For Parish Council Decision
  1. For Parish Council Comment
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
  1. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
  1. Roads and Footpaths
a) Monthly Footpath Report
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths.
b) Roads
      1. Speed Indicator Devices in Butts Way and Wood Street
      2. Village Road Resilience
What options are there to improve traffic flow and prevent traffic gridlock?
      1. Monthly Road Report
  1. Street Light reductions
The Chairman will report on progress with planning the survey
  1. Community Defibrillator
  2. Parish Magazine
  3. Preston Bowyer Phone Box
The Clerk will present a Project Plan for consideration.
  1. Milverton Website
Mr Hendy will report on the latest Milverton Trust meeting.
  1. Correspondence
  2. Finance
a) Monthly report
The monthly report will request payments for Salaries, PAYE, and gardening
b) Estimates and Precept 2015/16
Councillors will debate and set a Precept for 2015/16
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council, including items from the following external bodies:
Twinning; Victoria Rooms; Milverton United Charities; SALC; Traffic Working Party; Youth Project; Milverton Trust; Milverton Action Group and 10 Parishes.

Milverton Honours Beth French

On 19th December the Parish Council hosted an event to mark Beth French's tremendous achievement of being the first person to swim to the Scilly Isles from Cornwall.

In front of 25 guests Ms French unveiled a Commemorative Certificate in the Victoria Rooms.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Milverton Parish Council Report
December 2014

Roads dominated this months meeting.

Councillors received reports of the excessive traffic through the village on the evening of 28th November. The build up followed a serious collision which closed the A38 Taunton to Wellington road causing drivers to seek alternative routes.
Traffic travelling through Milverton on the B3187 is effectively reduced to a single lane by the narrow streets. The road system in Milverton can just about cope with normal traffic flows but reaches capacity quickly, there are no east-west alternatives so traffic can quickly back up. On this occasion traffic was flowing heavily from both directions and came to a standstill in Fore Street when a large timber lorry travelling east could not get past the queue of vehicles travelling west. The situation was resolved by the Parish Council Chairman, Russell Jenkins and Clerk Gwilym Wren acting to stop vehicles entering each end of the village thereby allowing allowing vehicles to filter around the blockage by using Parsonage Lane, North Street and St Michaels Hill. One consequence of this event was significant damage to the raised pavement on Fore St which is a major component of the street scene in the Conservation Area.
Whilst acknowledging that this event had been triggered by a major incident, Councillors were extremely concerned at how quickly the traffic had built up and become gridlocked. This is a particular worry in the light of the proposed housing at Creedwell and the calls for a relief road in Wellington. Both these schemes will increase traffic flow through Milverton and reduce the current road capacity making similar incidents much more frequent.
The Council was reminded that SCC had promised a weight limit on the B3187 once the Silk Mills road bridge was completed. Other Councillors wondered whether this was time to consider a one way system.
Since this incident two mobile homes travelling through the village following Sat Nav instructions have also become stuck, causing structural damage to a house in Silver Street.

The Council has been made aware of instances of inconsiderate parking where care have been left across front doors and garden gates and causing an obstruction. Problems become acute when wheelchair access is required. The Police are aware and are happy to respond to calls and talk to vehicle owners.

The Clerk reported on-going discussions with SCC about siting Speed Indicators Devices (SID) in Butts Way and Wood Street. These are the post mounted boxes that show drivers speed. They also record the number and speed of vehicles passing over a given period. It is hoped that these will provide hard evidence to back up residents who regularly complain of excessive speed on these roads.

Councillors received a report that footpath 7/5 had been obstructed by an electric fence. Although the tenant had tubed a small section with plastic, the fence could not be unhitched and therefore SCC was to be asked to follow it up.

Councillors again discussed the possibility of reducing street lighting either through removal, re-direction or dimming. They agreed to survey the whole village and not just those street and roads away from the B3187.

Councillors also discussed the latest TDBC offer in respect of the toilets. TDBC made it clear that neither toilet would stay open beyond 31st March 2015. It was prepared to offer the Parish Council a full repairing and insuring lease of the Fore Street toilets. This means that TDBC retains ownership but that the Parish is responsible for all costs. The Clerk advised that this offer was loaded with liabilities and no particular benefits and Councillors agreed. The Clerk proposed a counter offer where TDBC retains ownership and structural responsibility but offers the Parish Council a licence to operate it whilst negotiations for a freehold transfer to the Parish Council take place. Councillors, were happier with this and asked the Clerk to respond to TDBC accordingly.
In respect of the toilets at the Recreation Ground TDBC could find no evidence that it owned or had any responsibility for running them. Accordingly support would cease unilaterally on 31st March 2015. Given the recent refurbishment of the Play Area Councillors regarded this as a major concern and will be discussing options with the Recreation Ground Committee.

There were no planning applications to consider this month but the Council did discuss the Creedwell application. It appears that the delays in taking it to the Planning Committee are in part because the applicant has been unable to agree drainage and attenuation details with TDBC. The next available Committee date is 7th January but with Christmas in between it now seems unlikely that that date will be met.

Under crime the issue of fraud and forgery figured heavily as there have been a few instances reported in the area particularly targeting elderly people. Banks and the Police are offering guidance and if anyone is worried they should ring the Police on 101. The Chairman was thanked for printing the local leaflets that had been distributed with the Parish Magazine.

The Clerk announced that the School had accepted the offer to site the Preston Bowyer phone box. A meeting would be set up between the Council and the School to agree a site and a plan for the re-location. The Council will retain ownership of the box and be responsible for the relocation and other expenses.

The Clerk was asked to thank Ray Arthur for kindly repairing the dog bin.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a
personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 6th October have been circulated with the summons to this meeting. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.
  1. Planning
The Clerk will provide a report about other general planning matters including the TDBC response in relation to the wall at Lancaster House and suggest a date for the next site visit.
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
  1. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
  1. Roads and Footpaths
a) Monthly Footpath Report
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths.
b) Roads
      1. Speed Indicator Devices in Butts Way and Wood Street
      2. Monthly Road Report
  1. Street Light reductions
Councillors will be asked to approve the survey process
  1. Honouring Beth French
Councillors will be asked to approve the arrangements
  1. Parish Magazine
  2. Preston Bowyer Phone Box
The Clerk will report on the progress of negotiations with the school.
  1. Milverton Website
Mr Hendy will report on the latest Milverton Trust meeting and what support the Trust is offering to the Milverton info website.
  1. Correspondence
  2. Finance
a) Monthly report
The monthly report will request payments for Salaries, PAYE, and gardening
b) Estimates and Precept 2015/16
The Clerk will introduce the Estimates for 2015/16
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council, including items from the following external bodies:
Twinning; Victoria Rooms; Milverton United Charities; SALC; Traffic Working Party; Youth Project; Milverton Trust; Milverton Action Group and 10 Parishes.

Friday, 21 November 2014

County Hall
PP C302
Taunton, Somerset
TA1 4DY 29th October 2014

Due to a continuing reduction in the amount of funding the Government provides the Council to run local services, and to manage competing demands for services that the Council is legally obliged to provide; Somerset County Council needs to review its allocation of funds for supported bus services. We are now seeking your views on potential changes to these services.

We are changing the way we provide Demand Responsive Transport in Somerset and will be routing the vehicles into areas where, due to previous withdrawals of conventional public transport, there is currently no timetabled public transport provision.
As a general principle it is our view that demand responsive services should be retained but as a routed services to provide access for rural communities with particular regard to the needs of our elderly population and people with disabilities along with those who may not have access to a car.

Increasingly difficult choices will need to be made about where we provide support in the future. Routes have been identified by the Council for possible reductions in financial support due to:

  • Availability of services on other days of the week or proximity of alternative services;
  • Low passenger use;
  • Possible Commercial replacement.

We are also proposing that some services will operate at a reduced frequency rather than our support being entirely withdrawn, to retain the ability for people to make journeys by public transport.

The affected services are listed at the website mentioned below and include No 10 – Langley Marsh – Wellington (First). SCC would like to consult with as many Somerset groups and residents as possible and we would be grateful for your views on these proposed changes before a final decision is taken by the Council in 2015.
If you would like to complete our online survey please go to the following website for full details:

Deadline for responses is 29th December 2014

Yours sincerely
John Perrett/Jane Newell
Service Managers - Transporting Somerset/Highways & Transport Commissioning

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Milverton Parish Council Monthly report
November 2014

The Council met on 3rd November

Under Planning Councillors support applications for a swimming pool at Bickley and rendering works to a house in North Street.

The Chairman reported no progress on getting the Creedwell planning application to the TDBC Planning Committee. There appear to be many unanswered questions about how the site will be drained and further detailed information from the applicant was awaited. However, it appeared that one issue had been resolved in that Notaro had accepted that the development would be subject to a Community Infrastructure Levy payment of approximately £1.4m.

The Clerk reported that the company proposing to install a mobile phone mast north of the village had been unable to secure a site but was continuing to search. This meant that there would be an unspecified delay in providing improved mobile phone reception.

The Clerk also reported that he has been in contact with TDBC about the scale of the works at Lancaster House. He was expecting a reply from the Enforcement Officer which he would pass on.

In view of the possibility of the Vicarage coach house being used for the archive the Clerk was asked in investigate whether or not it was Listed.

Members gave the Vice Chairman Mrs Hoyle a Formal Vote of Thanks for her sterling work in delivering the new play area at the Recreation Ground. The installation is now complete and was formally opened by the Mayor Cllr Dave Durdan on 21st October. The Clerk reported a donation from Milverton WI towards the project and will pay the final invoice when he receives the promised funds from TDBC.

Councillors were concerned that crime within the Parish seemed to be at increased levels with reports of burglaries and criminal damage being made by the Police.

Councillors discussed the kissing gate between High Street and Wood Street. There is pressure to have it removed to accommodate motorised and children's buggies. The Chairman observed that the kissing gate was no longer consistent with the principle of widening access for all. However, he acknowledged that the last time the gate was removed it had to be replaced because because of cycle use. As a result any change ought to be accompanied by a Risk Assessment. The Council therefore resolved to ask SCC to deliver a solution that increased accessibility for users but without increasing the risk of using the path.

Councillors have been discussing the potential options for reducing street lighting in Milverton which is very bright and intrusive in places. Following informal soundings there appeared to be some support for a reduction and Councillors agreed to follow this up with a formal survey of residents away from the main roads.

Councillor received a report that the Editor of the Parish Magazine was moving and a replacement being sought.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Milverton Parish Council

26th October 2014

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a
personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 6th October have been circulated with the summons to this meeting. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.
  1. Planning
a) Applications for Parish Council Comment
b) Proposed Installation of a 25m High Lattice Tower Mobile Phone Base at Lands Adjacent to Rivers Wood, Dyers Farm, Milverton
c) Other Planning Matters
The Clerk will provide a report about other general planning matters and suggest a date for the next site visit.
  1. Recreation Ground Play Area
Mrs Hoyle will report on progress.
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
  1. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
  1. Roads and Footpaths
a) Monthly Footpath Report
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths including 7/34 between High Street and Wood Street
b) Monthly Road Report
The Clerk will report and members will raise other issues of concern.
  1. Street Light reductions
  2. Honouring Beth French
  3. Correspondence
  4. Finance
The monthly report will request authorisation for payments relating to Gardening, Audit, Salaries and PAYE.
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council, including items from the following external bodies:
Twinning; Victoria Rooms; Milverton United Charities; SALC; Traffic Working Party; Youth Project; Milverton Trust; Milverton Action Group and 10 Parishes.

Milverton Parish Council
Press Notice

Milverton Play Area Officially Opened!!

The Mayor of Taunton Deane, Cllr Dave Durdan formally opened Milverton's refurbished Play Area at the Recreation Ground in Butts Way on 21st October 2014. This was the final act of a huge collaborative fund raising effort between the Parish Council and the Recreation Ground Committee which raised over £50,000 including a £29000 grant from Viridor Credits.

The opening took place in brilliant sunshine and was attended by over 30 people parishioners and representatives of funding bodies. The guest list also included six pupils from Milverton School who were only too eager to join the Mayor in road testing the equipment! (See photo)

Project leader and Vice Chairman of the Parish Council, Mrs Jenny Hoyle said “We are hugely grateful to our funders, particularly Viridor Credits, without whom we would not have been able to create this fantastic facility for children of all ages.”

Chairman of the Recreation Ground Committee, Mike Sheppard said “We are delighted that our partnership with the Parish Council has delivered a wonderful, 21st century playground that will really enthuse and engage village children.”

Notes for Editors
  1. The Milverton Recreation Ground Play Area was last upgraded in 1990 and discussions on how to modernise it started in 2012. The catalyst was a sum of £10500 Section 106 payment attached to a local development that was earmarked for Improving Facilities for Children. This together with financial pledges from the Parish Council and the Recreation Ground committee provided the basis of successful bids to Viridor Credits and Taunton Deane Borough Council.
  2. The full list of equipment is
  • Flexi swing with basket seat
  • Crow's Nest
  • Flying Saucer
  • Cockerel Rock n Roll
  • Sidewinder and
  • Maxx Zone
  1. The full list of contributors is as follows:
Viridor Credits £29181
S 106 funds £10500
Taunton Deane Borough Council £5000
Milverton Parish Council £3000
Milverton Recreation Ground Committee £2918
Total £51499
The total cost of the equipment and installation is £47000. The remainder of the grant money will be used to install benches and erect safety fencing.
  1. For further information or images for use please contact the Parish Clerk Gwilym Wren on 01823 400657