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Monday, 26 September 2016

3rd October  2016
7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street

Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

1.    Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.

2. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item. In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.   

3. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 5th September have been circulated. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.

4. Planning        
4.1 For Parish Council Comment
4.1.1 23/16/0029 Conversion of Dutch Barn to Dog Boarding Kennels with Associated Parking and Passing Place at lovelynch Farm, Milverton
4.1.2 23/16/000034/T Application to Fell One Lime Tree included in the Taunton Deane Borough (Milverton No 1) Tree Preservation Order 1995 at Bailiffs Cottage, High Street, Milverton
4.2 Other Planning Matters
The Clerk will propose a date for the next planning meeting.
5. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
6.Milverton Surgery
Madam Chairman will report on any developments related to the handover..
7. Roads and Footpaths
7.1 Footpath Monthly Report
7.2 Roads Monthly Report
8. Public Toilets
The Chairman of the Amenity Committee will report on the current situation.
9. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
10. Government Capping Consultation
Councillors will discuss the proposals and formulate a response.
11. Parish Council Storage in The Victoria Rooms
Councillors will discuss some recent issues at the allotments.
12. Trees in the Jubilee Gardens
Councilors will consider whether any action needs to be taken in respect of the Acer and Silver Birch
13. Finance
The Council will consider the monthly report and approve payments for Grass Cutting, Gardening, Salaries, PAYE,
14. Matters to Report
Milverton Parish Council
Report of Meeting on 5th September 2016

The meeting opened with a question from a concerned resident about speeding in Wood Street. SCC had promised to install a speed loop but it had not been placed yet. Councillors promised to chase County Highways about it. The Police have promised to deploy a mobile speed camera in Wood Street to catch offenders.

The Parish Council is currently in negotiations to acquire the public toilets in Fore Street. As part of the contract papers an asbestos report had been received which revealed asbestos in the damp proof course, the lavatory seats and the cistern. Councillors were very concerned not least because the brickwork around the damp proof course required repair. The Clerk has written to TDBC asking for rectification of these issues or alternatively an indemnity from TDBC. Councillors agreed to suspend legal procedures until TDBC had responded to this request.

Under planning Councillors approved extensions to properties in Screedy and Fairfield Terrace.

The Vice Chairman reported that the he had submitted theCreedwell appeal documents to the Planning Inspectorate. Broadly the Parish Council was supporting the TDBC position but also challenging the Certificate of Lawfulness. The appeal is to be decided at a hearing on 8th November.

Regarding the changes of management at the surgery Madam Chairman reported that she had received a letter from the NHS Trust Dr Diwayni confirming that the transfer had taken place. Regular contact and Parish Council was promised with a first meeting set for 28th October.

The Council spent just over £4000 in August. The main expenditure was to TDBC for operating the toilets in Fore Street and the Recreation Ground in April, May and June. This came to £1572. Mowing of footpaths and Council land cost just under £1500. The rest of the expenditure was on salaries (£514), Audit (£100), play equipment repairs (£135) and gardening (£70).

The next meeting will be on Monday 3rd October in the Victoria Rooms at 7:30pm.

Milverton Parish Council Report
August 2016

Madam Chairman reported a useful meeting with the NHS Partnership Trust and the retiring GP partners. A good line of communication has been established and the Council is proposing to work very closely with the Partnership Trust to ensure a smooth handover and continuity for Milverton Surgery.

Under planning Councillors agreed an extension at Fairfield Terrace and supported the removal of a eucalyptus tree from a property in High Street.

The Council noted that the Planning Inspectorate had confirmed the Notaro appeal over the Creedwell field. Any representations have to be with the Inspectorate by 23rd August.

Following continuing complains from residents the Clerk reported that SCC was proposing to install speed loops in Wood Street in an attempt to curb traffic speed. Additionally a mobile police speed camera will also operate from time to time.

Under crime it was reported that there had been multiple shed break-ins at the Allotments with a variety of items stolen. The Police have visited and have offered to mark equipment in order to deter future thefts.

The Clerk reported that the Electoral Commission is in the middle of a 10 week public consultation during which it is asking for proposals for new wards. The closing date is 5th September. After considering presentations the Commission will publish draft recommendations in November 2016. There will then be a further round of consultations with final recommendations to be published in March 2017. Any changes will come into effect for the 2019 elections.

Cllr Wren reported that TDBC had agreed to pursue a merger with West Somerset District Council (WSDC) at a meeting on 26th July. WSDC was meeting to decide on 6h September. Cllr Wren had not been happy that the decisions were so far apart and would have preferred them to be on the same day as originally planned. If approved both Councils would cease to exist in 2019 and elections would be held for the new larger Council area.

Mrs Pine the Footpath Officer reported that SCC had promised repairs to Footpath 7/24 near Milverton Court 'this summer'. The footpath across the Creedwell field had now been cut and was passable. However, path 7/10 which did not join on the map would be dealt with next year under the provisions of the Deregulation Act.

Councillors received complaints from allotment holders about bonfires being lit in contravention of the Tenancy Agreement. It was revealed that household as well as vegetative matter was being burnt which was a hazard to human health and could contaminate the soil. It was agreed that the Council would send a letter to all plot holders and the Allotment Committee would make a series of unannounced visits. Anyone found breaking their agreement would be served with a notice.

In July the Council spent £629 on salaries PAYE and gardening.