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Saturday, 13 June 2015

Milverton Parish Council
June 2015 Meeting report

The main topic of debate at Milverton's June Parish Council meeting was the long-standing planning application at Creedwell Orchard. The Chairman reported that there is still no date for the TDBC Planning Committee to consider it and that the next possible date was 24th June.
(TDBC has now said that the application will be presented to the Committee on 24th June. The Parish Council will therefore hold an extra meeting to discuss its final submissions on 18th June at 7.45pm in the Victoria Rooms.)

The Chairman also reported a meeting that he and Councillor Wren had had with SCC Highways about its response to the application, which was seen as inadequate. SCC officers explained that they had provided their response in accordance with current guidance and had no plans to expand on those comments.

Under Planning Applications Councillors supported an application to change a storage shed into a holiday let at Goldcleeve, Preston Bowyer.

The Planning site visit had offered Councillors the chance to visit the public toilets that the Parish Council was proposing to take on. Unfortunately not many Councillors had been able to attend so they will be visited again at the next meeting. On the same subject the Clerk reported no further progress on agreeing the heads of Terms.

The Clerk reported a meeting with SCC and the local Speedwatch chairman to discuss taking up an offer of a Community Speed Indicator Device (SID). Various issues were discussed including training requirements and software costs for recording and analysing information. These costs were higher than Councillors had anticipated and the Clerk has been asked to investigate whether any reductions can be made.

A resident who lives along the Wiveliscombe road asked the Parish Council if it could formally request a bus stop nearby. At present the bus will not stop on request and his wife has to walk about 500m into the village along a narrow road without a pavement to the nearest stop. Councillors were happy to agree. The same resident also asked whether the 30mph limit could be extended because the Wiveliscombe Road with a 60mph limit was prone to accidents. The Parish Council agreed to pursue this with SCC.

Mr Hendy reported that he is hoping to arrange the removal of the Preston Bowyer phone box later this month. It will be taken to Wiveliscombe for refurbishment and hopefully re-located to the school in August.

The new Allotment Committee has agreed to hold its annual visit on 27th July at 10am. It is hoped that this can be combined with an Open Day to show the Allotments at their best.

The Clerk has been asked to a training session in the new village website with a view to transferring the Parish Council site to this new platform.

Mrs Hoyle reported that Vodaphone had carried out a survey in the village to find locations for signal boosters. Several sites had been visited and further detailed analysis was awaited. She thanked Mr Baldry for his help in showing the surveyors around.

Councillors received a letter asking that the litter bin on St Michaels Hill be replaced. Having failed to get any help from TDBC Councillors reluctantly concluded that the Parish would have to pay to get a new one. The Clerk was asked to do this and also get the nearby dog bin repaired.

Under Finance the Clerk reported a delay in getting the audit signed off. It will now be brought to the next meeting on July 6th. The Parish Council spent £1334 in May on salaries and the box to house the Community Defibrillator.

Under Matters to Report Mrs Hoyle reported that the Community Payback team was looking for projects to become involved in. Councillors were invited to bring suggestions to the next meeting.

Finally the Chairman reported that he as yet been unsuccessful in his attempts to fill the vacancy on the Council.

Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton Parish Council

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