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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a
personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
Those members who have not yet completed their declarations will be asked to at the meeting.
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 11th May have been circulated with the summons to this meeting. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.
  1. Planning
    1. For Parish Council Comment
    1. Other Planning Matters
Including date of next planning meeting.
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
  1. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
  1. Roads and Footpaths
a) Monthly Footpath Report
Mrs Pine and Mrs Richardson will report on the footpaths.
b) Roads
      1. Monthly Report
Members will discuss current road issues.
      1. Speed Watch and Community Speed Indicator Device
The Clerk will report on his meeting with Speedwatch and SCC.
  1. Public Toilets
The Clerk will report on the latest situation.

  1. Community Defibrillator
Mr Cotton will give an update
  1. Preston Bowyer Phone Box
Mr Hendy will give an update.
  1. Internet
Mr Hendy will give an update on the Milverton Website
  1. Telecommunications
a) Mobile Phone Coverage
Mrs Hoyle will report a proposal from Vodaphone to improve local coverage.
b) Landline Problems
Mrs Lumby will report on local connection problems.
  1. Litter Bin St Michaels Hill
  2. Correspondence
  3. Finance
a) Monthly report
The monthly report will request payments for Salaries, PAYE, and gardening
b) Audit 2014/15
The Clerk will seek agreement for signing off this years audit.
c) New Bank Account Signatories
The Clerk will ask for volunteers to be signatories for the Nat West and Bank of Ireland Accounts.
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council, including items from the following external bodies:
Twinning; Victoria Rooms; Milverton United Charities; SALC; Traffic Working Party; Youth Project; Milverton Trust; Milverton Action Group and 10 Parishes.

Report of the Annual Meeting of Milverton Parish Council on 11th May 2015

Dr Russell Jenkins was appointed as Chairman for the coming year with Mrs Jenny Hoyle being appointed Vice Chairman.

The Chairman welcomed three new members, Mrs Mickey Pine, Dr Julie Richardson and Mr Philip Chambers. He expressed disappointment that there had been insufficient interest to prompt an election and councillors discussed the best way of filling the single vacancy. In the end a short list was compiled and these people will be approached individually in priority order. It is hoped that an appointment can be made before the next meeting on 1st June.

Under matters arising members expressed their continuing frustration that TDBC was refusing to replace its litter bin which had disappeared from St Michaels Hill. The Clerk reported that he was meeting a brick wall as TDBC maintained (in the face of no evidence) that the bin belonged to the Parish Council. He said he would escalate the matter.

There were continuing complaints about the failure of Open Reach to connect the whole of the village to Superfast Broadband. The latest excuse is that they need to negotiate a wayleave with Western Power. Councillors were exasperated at this particularly as the exchange had been enabled a year ago and any tenure issues should have been addressed then. There is still no news as to when the remaining 50% of the village will be connected.

On the subject of BT, Mrs Lumby reported on the latest twist in the saga of the faulty land lines. Over 20 people in Milverton and Fitzhead had been experiencing call disruption for months and, despite multiple complaints, had received little sympathy from BT. Eventually BT acknowledged that the fault was in the exchange and the piece of equipment was replaced. However, now BT is writing to customers who are seeking compensation saying that it has classed the fault as being beyond its control meaning that no compensation is due. Councillors were staggered at this cavalier attitude from such a high profile company that controls most of the UK telecommunications infrastructure.

Under planning Councillors approved extensions to Tanners (23/15/0010) and Ivy Cottage (23/15/0008). Comments were made about the windows to the Annex at Cobbleside (23/15/0009).

Councillors were concerned to hear that the Listed gateway to the school at Olands had been damaged by a lorry. Hopes were expressed that SCC would initiate repairs quickly.

Under Creedwell there was still no news about when TDBC's Planning Committee would discuss it. There was considerable concern that SCC was seeking to avoid commenting by using an out of date and inadequate traffic survey as an excuse. Interestingly it had suggested that if the Parish Council commissioned (and paid for) its own survey they would consider it! Under the circumstances Councillors felt they had little option but to agree and voted funds to investigate scope a survey.

PC Jo Jeffrey was in attendance and reported three crimes and assault, criminal damage to a car and possession of cannabis.

Under roads the Clerk reminded Councillors that the Triathlon would be coming through Milverton on 17th May and that a one way system would be in operation.

The Clerk reported the latest financial offer to support the transfer of the toilets. TDBC was to continue to run them until the legal transfer of ownership was effected. At that point TDBC would give the Parish Council the balance of the running costs for the year and a capital lump sum of £10000. These figures would be 'ring fenced' for the provision of public toilets.

In April the Parish Council spent £2357 on salaries, gardening, emptying dog bins and a grant to the Recreation Ground.

Monday, 4 May 2015

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street

  1. Election of Chairman
Members are invited to make nominations for Chairman for the coming year. If there is more than one candidate there will be a vote.
  1. Election of Vice Chairman
Members are invited to make nominations for Vice Chairman for the coming year. If there is more than one candidate there will be a vote.
  1. Signing of Declarations of Office
All members will sign the Declaration of Office and forms to Register Declarations of interest will be distrbuted.
  1. Questions from the Public
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.
  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 13th April 2015 have been circulated with the summons to this meeting.
  1. Planning
a) For Parish Council Decision
b) Other Planning Matters inc Date of next Planning Meeting
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will give a brief report.
  1. Appointment of Committees 2015/16
    1. Allotment Committee
    2. Emergency Planning
    3. Personnel Committee
    4. Amenities Committee

  1. Appointment to Other Committees 2015/16
    1. Twinning Association
    2. Victoria Rooms
    3. Milverton United Charities
    4. SALC Representative
    5. Youth Project
    6. Milverton Trust
    7. Traffic Working Party
    8. Milverton Action Group
    9. Recreation Ground Committee
    10. Wiveliscombe Area Partnership

  1. Appointment of Officers 2015/16
    1. Footpaths
  2. Cooption of Councuillor
As there is a vacancy Councillors will debate the best way of filling it.
  1. Crime
The Police Report for April will be presented.
  1. Footpaths and Roads
a) Speed Indicator Device SID (Transfer of Administration)

b) Monthly Report
Members will raise issues of concern.
  1. Footpaths
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths.
  1. Annual Parish Meeting
The Clerk will provide a brief report
  1. Public Toilets
The Clerk will provide a brief report
  1. Allotments
The Clerk will give a brief report of the recent meeting and the issues raised.
  1. Jubilee Gardens
The Clerk will report on the interim management arrangements
  1. Milverton Parish Council Grant Policy Review: 2015
  2. Correspondence
  3. Finance
    1. Monthly report
Payments for Salaries, PAYE, Gardening and legal expenses.
    1. Annual Audit
The Clerk will report on the progress of the 2014/15 audit.
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council.
Report of Milverton Parish Council meeting 13th April 2015

Councillors considered a packed agenda in their last meeting before the elections. Thanks and appreciation were given to the four Councillors who are standing down. The longest serving was Rachel Renfree who had been on the Parish Council since 1991 and had been Chairman twice. The others were Eileen McHardy, Ian Gauntlett and Guy Hannaford who had all served 12 years.

It was noted with some disappointment that only three new prospective Councillors had come forward and that as a result there would not be the need for an election. This is the first time for many years that there has not been a Parish Council election in Milverton. In the past these elections have frequently delivered a turnout of 60% one of the the best in the South West. The only bright spot is that the Council will save £700 of election expenses.

Therefore the first task of the new Council will be to co-opt a new member to fill the vacancy and Councillors will discuss this at the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 11th May.

Under Planning, Councillors used their delegated planning powers to approve application 23/15/0004, an extension to a property in Wood Street. Councillors noted that the development was of sufficient size to attract a charge of £16000 under the provisions of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). TDBC Planning Officer Bryn Kitching explained that the figure was correct but that relief would be available under certain circumstances.

Councillors were aware that Parish Councils are eligible for 10% of CIL payments in their area and the Clerk reported that TDBC had offered training in how this would operate. Councillors thought that this was an excellent idea in what was bound to become an important and probably contentious aspect of local planning.

The item on Creedwell was dominated by traffic issues. It was becoming clear that SCC Highways were only prepared to judge the application on the information supplied when the road widening requirement was removed in 2012. There seemed to be no acknowledgement of the traffic impact away from the Creedwell junction onto Fore Street and an assumption that traffic flowed freely along the B3187 and the presence of on street parking in Silver Street, Fore Street and Sand Street was being ignored. Councillors were told that SCC Highways would be prepared to consider a further traffic assessment if the village cared to commission one – however the costs were expected to be between £3-5000. Unsurprisingly Councillors were incensed at SCC's apparent abdication of its responsibilities and the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk agreed to meet to take the matter forward. TDBC Councillor Gwil Wren agreed to speak to his SCC counterpart James Hunt with a view to getting a meeting with the SCC officers involved.
(NB Since the meeting Notaro has withdrawn its offer of Affordable Housing and is pressing TDBC to determine the application as soon as possible.)

As previously reported SCC has offered to supply the village with its own Speed Indicator Device (SID). These display and record vehicle speeds and make drivers slow down. Before taking responsibility for a device Parish Councils have to sign up to a series of undertakings including training operatives and providing adequate insurance. Parishes also have to have a minimum of 8 qualifying sites but can team up with neighbouring communities to make up the numbers. Councillors were very happy to endorse their previous decision to acquire a SID and invited the local Speed Watch group to take part in the management and deployment of it. The Speed Watch group will consider this and let the Council know.
The Clerk reported that the Triathlon will again use the village. It would be on Sunday 17th May and a one way system would operate around St Michaels Hill, North Street, Silver Street and Fore Street between 9am and 3pm.

The Clerk also reported on a meeting with TDBC about the transfer of ownership of the toilets to the Parish Council. All but two of the Heads of Terms were agreed and the Clerk is reworking these into a counter proposal. Cllr Wren reported that he would be attending another meeting on 22nd April to discuss how the extra £80000 allocated by TDBC tow toilet transfer would be distributed. To honour this long running saga retiring Councillor Ian Gauntlet presented the Parish Council with a copy of Clochmerle, a humorous account of a small French town which also had its ups and downs over the provision of public conveniences.

Mr Cotton reported that the Community Defibrillator project was almost complete and was in the process of getting an invoice so that it could be paid for. The Clerk reported that the extra insurance cost would be £26pa.

Following the Milverton Trust request to use the Jubilee Gardens again as part of the Street Fair, the Clerk had drawn up terms for a licence, which would remove the need for annual discussions as long as there were no changes. Councillors were happy with the terms and the Clerk was asked to offer them to the Trust.

Councillors spent some time debating telecommunication and internet issues. Mrs Lumby reported a long running problem with the telephone exchange. Over the last six months over 20 residents of Milverton, Fitzhead and Hillcommon have had problems with calls when they can hear but they cannot be heard by the other party. These breakups have lasted for about an hour before clearing. All the residents had contacted BT who denied it was 'their fault' and in some cases charged the £130 call out fee. Eventually, as a result of extreme persistence and the involvement of a 3rd party land line provider, BT acknowledged that there was a fault in the exchange and have replaced the broken part. Despite the apparent resolution of the problem Councillors felt that this issue deserved to be escalated. The Clerk was therefore asked to write to BT and Offcom.

Still on the subject of telecommunications Mrs Hoyle reported that several residents had contacted her about housing a Vodaphone base unit. These boost Vodaphone signals up to 500m and would significantly increase and improve signal coverage in the village. Vodaphone would be following this up with a site suitability survey on 14th May.

Councillors were told that the new Milverton Village website would be demonstrated by the Trust at the Annual Parish meeting on 15th April. It was hoped that the site would 'go live' in mid May.

The Clerk reported that the Council's regular gardener had suffered a car accident and would be off work for several months. He was asked to find a temporary replacement to cover the gap. Councillors asked for Best Wishes to be sent.

Councillors authorised expenditure of £1569. This included salaries, grants, gardening costs and annual subscriptions.