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Wednesday, 30 July 2014

28th July 2014

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street

The meeting will be preceded with a minutes silence in memory of former Parish Councillor Howard Davies.

Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a
personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June have been circulated with the summons to this meeting. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.
  1. Planning
There are no planning applications for consideration this month,
a) Applications for Parish Council Decision
b) Applications for Parish Council Comment
c) Other Planning Matters
The Clerk will provide a report about other general planning matters and suggest a date for the next site visit.
  1. Recreation Ground Play Area
Mrs Hoyle will report on progress.
  1. Milverton Public Toilets
The Clerk will report on progress.
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
  1. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
  1. Roads and Footpaths
a) Monthly Footpath Report
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths.
b) Monthly Road Report
The Clerk will report and members will raise other issues of concern.
  1. Milverton Burial Ground
The Chairman will report on progress.
  1. Street Light reductions
  2. Honouring Beth French
  3. Milverton Website
  4. Correspondence
  5. Finance
The monthly report will request payments for Gardening, Salaries and PAYE.
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council, including items from the following external bodies:
Twinning; Victoria Rooms; Milverton United Charities; SALC; Traffic Working Party; Youth Project; Milverton Trust; Milverton Action Group and 10 Parishes.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Milverton Parish Council

30th June 2014

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a
personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 9th June have been circulated with the summons to this meeting. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
See request for amendment under Planning.
  1. Planning
There are no planning applications for consideration this month,
a) Amendment to Minutes
The applicant has asked to clarify that the gates under 24.2.1. were for Listed Building consent. The gates are to replace an existing metal 5 bar gate. The Clerk has checked with the Planners who confirm that the new gates will nevertheless require full planning consent.
b) Other Planning Matters
The Clerk will provide a report about other general planning matters and suggest a date for the next site visit.
  1. Recreation Ground Play Area
Mrs Hoyle will report on progress.
  1. Milverton Public Toilets
The Clerk will report on progress.
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman will provide a report on the present situation.
  1. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
  1. Roads and Footpaths
a) Monthly Footpath Report
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths.
b) Monthly Road Report
The Clerk will report and members will raise other issues of concern.
  1. Acknowledgement of the Retirement of David Greig and the Road Sweeper
  2. Milverton Burial Ground
The Chairman will report on progress.
  1. Correspondence
  2. Finance
The monthly report will request payments for Gardening, Salaries and PAYE.
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council, including items from the following external bodies:
Twinning; Victoria Rooms; Milverton United Charities; SALC; Traffic Working Party; Youth Project; Milverton Trust; Milverton Action Group and 10 Parishes.