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Friday, 9 May 2014

The Parish Council's response to the 

Creedwell Orchard application can 

be found here 

Milverton Parish Council

7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street

  1. Election of Chairman
Members are invited to make nominations for Chairman for the coming year. If there is more than one candidate there will be a vote.
  1. Election of Vice Chairman
Members are invited to make nominations for Vice Chairman for the coming year. If there is more than one candidate there will be a vote.
  1. Questions from the Public
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.
  1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
  1. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. Minutes and Matters arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th April 2013 have not been circulated with the summons to this meeting but will be tabled at the next meeting on 9th June.
  1. Planning
a) The Custom Build Fund
b) Other Planning Matters inc Date of next Planning Meeting
  1. Creedwell
The Chairman or the Clerk will report on the Parish Councils response.
  1. Appointment of Committees 2014/15
    1. Allotment Committee
    2. Emergency Planning
    3. Personnel Committee
    4. Amenities Committee
  2. Appointment to Other Committees 2014/15
    1. Twinning Association
    2. Victoria Rooms
    3. Milverton United Charities
    4. SALC Representative
    5. Youth Project
    6. Milverton Trust
    7. Traffic Working Party
    8. Milverton Action Group
    9. Recreation Ground Committee
    10. Wiveliscombe Area Partnership
  3. Appointment of Officers 2014/15
    1. Footpaths
  4. Crime
The Police Report for April will be presented.
  1. Roads
a) Speed Indicator Device SID (Transfer of Administration)
SCC is offering the Parish Council the opportunity to administer a SID to give greater flexibility and freedom in administration, installation etc at various locations within the Parish.
b) Monthly Report
Members will raise issues of concern.
  1. Footpaths
Mrs Lumby will report on the footpaths.
  1. Annual Parish Meeting
The Clerk will provide a brief report
  1. Public Toilets
The Clerk will provide a brief report
  1. Play Area refurbishment
Mrs Hoyle will provide a brief report
  1. Correspondence
a) For Information
b) For action/Resolution
  1. Finance
    1. Monthly report
Payments for Salaries, PAYE, Gardening and legal expenses.
    1. Annual Audit
The Clerk will report on the procedure for the 2013/14 audit.
  1. Matters to Report
Members are invited to report matters of interest and raise matters of concern for future consideration by the Council.

As there are no pending Planning Applications there will be no meeting for May.