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Thursday, 28 March 2019

Here is the Agenda for the April Parish Council Meeting
Milverton Parish Council Report
Meeting 4th March 2019

The meeting opened with public questions about dog mess. This is a long standing problem which is very bad at the moment. The Council will put another notice in the Parish Magazine and offer to pass information to the Dog Wardens. The Council will also ask that owners keep their dogs off the grass in the Jubilee Gardens.

Under planning Councillors considered the proposal to Change the Use of the surgery to a dwelling house. Citing the recent village survey which showed an overwhelming majority favoured its retention as a community building, Councillors objected to the proposal. Their reasons included a loss of a community facility, inadequate evidence for the change and a lack of need for housing in such a location.

Under roads Councillors considered a serious complaint from a Fore St resident who was extremely concerned about vehicles especially lorries and vans mounting the pavement and forcing pedestrians to take avoiding action. Unfortunately SCC is not prepared to prioritise this for expenditure and so the Parish Council will continue to monitor the situation.

The Crime report centred on seeking resolutions to parking problems within the village especially where carelessly parked cars prevent the bus from passing.

In February the Council spent £3000 on salaries, road salt, surveyors fees and survey expenses.

Finally Councillors discussed the forthcoming elections. Several Councillors are standing down and members are keen to encourage potential new Councillors to come forward. Notices will be prepared and anyone interested in the role can speak to the Clerk.

Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton Parish Council
6th March 2019

Here is a link to the minutes to the February 2019 meeting. Apologies for the delay in keeping the blog up to date.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

The Parish Council has an Emergency Plan to help the community cope with short lived disruption such as bad weather. The Plan is basically a compilation of contacts and information about available resources and equipment. It is constantly being updated and can be accessed here
The link to the January 2019 Parish Council Meeting Agenda can be found here
Here is a link to a report on the December meeting.