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Sunday, 25 March 2018

Milverton Parish Council
Meeting Report
March 2018

Madam Chairman, Dr Julie Richardson welcomed Councillors and seven members of the public to the meeting on 5th March. She thanked all those who helped the parish cope with the recent bad weather including the Clerk and the owners of Milverton Stores.

The meeting opened with a question about the rubbish that was accumulating in the Notaro owned access to the Creedwell field. Although it is unsightly there is nothing that can be done as it is private land. The Planning officer present confirmed that any accumulation of rubbish had to be significant before the Council could use its powers to deal with 'untidy sites'.
There was also a question about the rubbish in the entrance to the Creedwell flats which patients used to access services in the Community Rooms. The Clerk will raise the mater with TDBC Housing Services.

Under planning Councillors approved the installation of dormer windows and other works at Dunroamin', Whites Lane.

The Clerk reported a positive meeting with Jane Birch of the Community Council for Somerset (CCS). It had been agreed that CSS would undertake a parish wide survey to underpin a potential Neighbourhood Plan. This would also include a Housing Needs Assessment. Councillors also discussed census data that had been compiled by the Vice Chairman which showed that the age profile was increasing steadily whilst numbers in the 30-45 age group were falling sharply.

Following the closure of the surgery Councillors discussed the provision of medical services and prescriptions at the Creedwell Community Rooms. There was agreement that this was not an ideal place with poor access and inadequate privacy. However SomPar had made it clear that this was their preferred venue and were unwilling to change. On a brighter note SomPar had purchased a vehicle for Wivey Link to help get patients to and from Lister House and this service was bedding in well.

The Clerk reported that a pipe had burst in the Fore St toilets which Mr Hendy had kindly repaired. This had flagged up some maintenance issues and it was agreed that this was a good opportunity to re-design the toilets into a unisex facility.

The Clerk also reported several road issues. The 20mph roundels will be re-painted before the end of March and the broken bollards in Fore Street and St Michaels Hill will be replaced.

Councillors discussed the ending of the SCC SID programme. SCC was prepared to re-instate it at a cost of £100 per unit per deployment meaning that to keep the existing service would cost the Parish Council £600pa. Councillors were not prepared to accept this and asked the Clerk if the Council could install its own permanent device near the school.

Councillors reviewed the operation of the Emergency Plan during the 5 days of cold weather and snow the previous week. There was general satisfaction that it had worked well and all problems that were encountered had been dealt with. However, several areas were identified for improvement and these will be discussed by the Emergency Committee at its next meeting. The outcome of this will be in the May Parish Magazine.

Councillors also discussed the problems caused by the closure of the M5 on 9th February. The village had experienced regular and lengthy traffic jams as displaced traffic tried to find a way around the congestion on the A38. Thanks were offered to Russell and Emma Jenkins in Milverton Stores who had spend many hours trying to keep traffic moving around the pinch points in the village. Mrs and Mrs Hoyle were also thanked for their efforts. A review of this will be undertaken by the Emergency Committee.
The Council approved grants to Citizens Advice, the Samaritans and the Wiveliscombe Community Office.

In February the Council spent £1714 on salaries & PAYE, toilet cleaning, the website and allotments.

Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton Parish Council

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Milverton Parish Council
February Meeting Report (Apologies for the late posting)

The Council met on Monday 5th February in the Victoria Rooms as usual.

Under Planning Councillors used their delegated powers to pass an application for works associated with a loft conversion at Kubri. To seek to address the concerns of a neighbour associated with the Permitted Development aspect the Council will be writing separately to the applicant.

The Council is keen to undertake a Housing Needs analysis to inform the need for a Neighbourhood Plan. The Council has been in discussion with Somerset Community Council and will be seeking a face to face meeting to take this further.

Councillors discussed the impending surgery closure on 9th February. Unfortunately there was a lack of clarity as to where the proposed services were to be run from and details will be sought at a meeting with SomPar later this month.

In matters to report Councillors expressed concern about the continuing epidemic of dog mess and the rubbish along the bypass.

Cllr Pine reported that a footpath problem has been highlighted by Nynehead Parish Council which she had raised with SCC. The SCC Footpath Officer has carried out some temporary clearance work and will follow up with contractors or volunteers during the summer.

The Deputy Clerk reported on possible new road signs at the entrance to the village. She has some designs from SCC and indicative costs which will be circulated. Councilors will hold a detailed discussion at the March meeting.

The Clerk reported in detail on SCC’s proposal to shut down its Speed Indicator Device (SID) programme and the potential options available. Councillors were of the view that whilst the devices did slow traffic and the information collected was useful the indicative costs of up to £500 per year per location were too expensive. The did however ask the Clerk to investigate a permanent SID outside the school.

The Clerk reported correspondence with the Race Director of the Taunton Triathlon. The Council had raised concerns about speeding cyclists and was seeking reassurance that there were adequate safety precautions and protocols. Councillors were not particularly satisfied with the tone of of the replies and the Clerk will write again.

Councillors also debated the changes to the 25 bus timetable. The Clerk had enquired about this using the First website and received an irrelevant computer generated reply.  Given that there had been no consultation or information other than a changed timetable the Clerk was asked to liaise with Dulverton and Wiveliscombe and try to contact Taunton bus station direct.

Councillors also discussed the SCC library consultation and will make a response through the Chair.

The Clerk reported that following a meeting of allotment holders which was very critical of the Parish Council. Following the meeting wood chip had been laid on the path and a new gate latch installed.

The Council spent £1665 in January on salaries, toilet cleaning and subscriptions.

14th February 2018

The agenda for the next March meeting on 5th March can be found here