Milverton Parish
Report of Meeting held
2nd October 2017
The meeting opened with
an introductory presentation from the new Village Agent, Gaby
Bellamy. She explained that the key purpose of a Village Agent was to
support people to live free and independent lives. She currently
takes referrals from GPs, attends village events and other sources.
As her work is people based she principally works through home
visits. She works full time with her salary covered by Somerset NHS
Partnership and the Somerset Community Council. She also helps
Community Groups as they frequently provide opportunities for the
people she assists.
Several Councillors
were very unhappy about reports that the 2019 District Council
elections could be postponed to allow the merger between TDBC and
West Somerset more time to take place. Councillors felt this was an
abuse of democracy and Madam Chairman will write to the Communities
Secretary of State to express the Councils concern.
Councillor Cotton
reported the latest meeting with the Somerset NHS Partnership over
the future of the Milverton surgery. The meeting had been useful and
many questions had been answered. There will be another meeting on
16th October to discuss the results of the recent
The Clerk reported that
Councillor Cutler had resigned and the process of finding a
replacement needed to be started. A notice will be displayed
advertising the vacancy and if enough parishioners request it an
election will be held. If not the Council will co-opt a new
The Clerk reported that
he had investigated the unauthorised fire on the allotments and
written to those concerned asking that the plots be thoroughly
cleaned. One plot holder had complied with the request and the other
had not. He would be writing again to this person and serving notice
to quit. He also noted that there were some other scruffy looking
plots which he would be keeping an eye on.
Under Matters to report
Councillors raised a variety of issues including the timetable at the
redundant Fore Street bus stop; post being collected from the Post
Office box before the scheduled time; miscanthus being shed from
loads passing through the village and blocking the drains.
Councillors were pleased that several gulleys had been cleared but
said there were still several to do.
The Council spent £1900
in September on toilet cleaning, salaries and PAYE, grass cutting and
advertising for the Deputy Clerk.
Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton
Parish Council
11th October