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Thursday, 28 September 2017

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Milverton Parish Council Report
September 2017

Milverton Parish Council met in the Victoria Rooms at 7pm on 4th September.
The meeting opened with a public question about the safety of trees on the SCC Olands site. The Clerk will investigate.
Councillors expressed serious concern about reports that cyclists were speeding into the village down the road from Wellington especially as there had been some near misses. It was noted that Milverton was on the route of the Taunton Triathlon and there were suggestions that the faster cyclists may be in training for next years event. The Clerk will contact SCC as Highway Authority, TDBC as the licensors and the organisers.
Councillors also heard from the Chair of School Governors that the school was experiencing issues with parking and traffic movement on the school site. These were being exacerbated by perceptions that the crossing at the bottom of Butts Way was dangerous leading more parents to drive to school. He asked whether the Parish Council would be prepared to help look for solutions such as an unmanned crossing? Councillors asked whether a volunteer 'lollipop' rota would help but were told that there were issues of training and insurance which made it difficult. Councillors agreed to contact SCC about the issue as they felt a solution might also help with the issue of speeding in the vicinity.
Madam Chairman, Dr Julie Richardson, reported that a Group had been formed to help Somerset Partnership with its deliberations around the consultation on the future of the surgery. The first meeting had taken place on 21st August when a lot of questions had been raised. The Partnership had agreed to answer them at the next meeting which would be on 11th September.
Cllr Hendy introduced the Parish Emergency Plan and commended it to the Council. It was warmly welcomed and following a notice in the Parish Magazine there will be a village meeting to promote it more widely and seek volunteers to assist with its implementation when needed.
Madam Chairman reported on the process to recruit a Deputy Clerk. Councillors were happy to delegate responsibility to the Personnel Committee who hope to be able to recommend a suitable appointment at the November meeting. An advert will be placed in the Parish Magazine and local papers towards the end of September. Interviews will be towards the end of October.
Several allotment holders were present and asked that the problem of unauthorised fires be dealt with individually rather than by general letters which did not seem to make a difference. The problem of random visitors and unauthorised persons was also raised and the Council will investigate how best to keep the gate shut and deter children and dog walkers.
Councillors also received reports of bank trimmings left on the road by TDBC in Wood Street and various blocked gulleys. The Clerk was asked to get these resolved.
In August the Council spent £1200 on salaries, toilet cleaning, and the annual audit.
The Council also received a presentation from Jenner Property Services about their plans to re-develop three buildings at Week Moor Farm.
The meeting closed at 9:30pm.

Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton Parish Council