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Tuesday, 2 May 2017

8th May 2017
7.00pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street

1. Election of Chairman
Members are invited to make nominations for Chairman for the coming year. If there is more
than one candidate there will be a vote.
2. Election of Vice Chairman
Members are invited to make nominations for Vice Chairman for the coming year. If there
is more than one candidate there will be a vote.
3. Signing of Declarations of Office
The Chairman and Vice Chairman will sign the Declaration of Office.
4. Questions from the Public
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide
information and raise matters of concern.
5. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that
absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
6. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and
pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest
will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
7. Minutes and Matters arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 4th April 2016 have been circulated with the summons to
this meeting.
8. Planning
8.1 For Parish Council Decision
8.1.1 23/17/0005 Erection of Timber Framed Barbeque Lodge to the side of Rosebank Garden,
Rosebank Road, Milverton
8.2 For Parish Council Comment
8.2.1 23/17/0008 Variation of Condition No 2 (approved plans) of application 23/16/0016 at 26
Creedwell Orchard Milverton
8.3 Other Planning Matters
The Clerk will propose Saturday 3rd June 2017 as the date for the next planning meeting with a
9:15am start..
9. Parking and Traffic Management at the School
8th May 2017
7.00pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street
10. Public Toilets
The Treasurer of the Recreation Ground has request ‘repayment’ of grant monies used to cover the
cost of the Recreation Ground toilets between 1st April 2016 and 31st January 2017.
The Clerk will report on the acquisition of the Fore Street toilets.
11. Finance
11.1 Monthly Report
The Council will consider the monthly report and approve payments for Salaries and PAYE.
11.2 Grant Application for £199 from Aging Well Exercise Class
11.3 Annual Audit
The Clerk will give a brief report
11.4 Dog Bin Contract
The Clerk will seek approval of the latest TDBC quotation
12. Matters to Report
13. Milverton Surgery
Madam Chairman will provide an update and Councillors will discuss the offer of free NHS health
14. Appointment of Committees 2017/18
14.1 Allotment Committee
14.2 Emergency Planning
14.3 Personnel Committee
14.4 Amenities Committee (inc Public Toilets)
15. Appointment to Other Committees 2015/16
15.1 Twinning Association
15.2 Victoria Rooms
15.3 Milverton United Charities
15.4 SALC Representative
15.5 Youth Project
15.6 Milverton Trust
15.7 Traffic Working Party
15.8 Milverton Action Group
15.9 Recreation Ground Committee
15.10 Wiveliscombe Area Partnership
16. Appointment of Officers 2017/18
16.1 Footpaths
17. Creedwell
The Clerk will provide a report.
18. Roads and Footpaths
18.1 Footpath Monthly Report
18.2 Roads Monthly Report
19. Jubilee Gardens
The Clerk will report on the gardening contract.
20. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
21. Annual Parish Meeting
The Clerk will provide a brief report..
22. Allotments
23. Correspondence
A list will be circulated during the meeting and members may request copies from the Clerk.
There will be a Planning Site visit on Thursday 4th May. Meet at the Surgery 6:00pm.
6::00 Meet at the Surgery
6:05 26 Creedwell
6:30 Rosebank Garden
Milverton Parish Council Meeting report
April 2017

Milverton Parish Council met on 3rd April in the Victoria Rooms.

Councillors discussed two planning matters. The first was for an extension to a house in Creedwell. This was approved by Councillors in line with the delegated planning agreement the Council has with TDBC. The second was a consultation from TDBC about the felling three willow trees at the bottom of Butts Way which Councillors supported.

It was reported that the planter outside the Fore Street toilets had disintegrated and Mr Chambers kindly offered to replace it. Councillors thanked Peter Hutchinson for drawing this to their attention. The Clerk will ask the Gardening Club to fill and maintain it as it has in the past.

Two footpath issues were reported. The steps leading from the orchard to Milverton Court are slippery and need repair and the steps leading into the Creedwell field are also in need of repair. This is urgent because an elderly resident recently fell and injured himself at the metal gate.

Madam Chairman reported that the next meeting with the NHS Partnership Trust about future options for Milverton Surgery would be on 10th April. She would report back to the next meeting.

The Clerk reported that the Council would complete the legal transfer of the Fore Street toilets on 4th April. This would include a dowry payment of £10520 which would be used for repairs and improvements.

The meeting authorised expenditure of £2400 on salaries, expenses and PAYE (£800) grants (£750) toilet cleaning (£650) and Planning Officer attendance (£200).

Gwilym Wren
Clerk to Milverton Parish Council
6th April 2017