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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

6th March 2017
7.00pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.
1. Apologies
Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.
2. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item. In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.   
3. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
The Minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 9th 2017 have been circulated. Members will be asked to consider them for accuracy and if satisfied pass a resolution of approval that they be signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record.
The Actions from the last meeting will be considered unless elsewhere on the agenda.
4. Planning        
4.1 For Parish Council Decision
4.1.1 23/17/0002 Erection of Single Storey Extension to the Side of 50 Creedwell Orchard Milverton
4.2 For Parish Council Comment
There are no applications for Parish Council Comment
4.3 Other Planning Matters
The Clerk will propose 30th March 2017 as the date for the next planning meeting with a 6pm start..
5.  Public Toilets
The Clerk will report on the current position on the acquisition of the Fore St toilets and the decision of the Recreation Ground Committee about their toilets.
6. Finance Monthly Report
The Council will consider the monthly report and approve payments for a Victoria Rooms grant, Room Hire, Salaries and PAYE.
7. Matters to Report
8. Creedwell
The Vice Chairman will provide a report.
9. Roads and Footpaths
9.1 Footpath Monthly Report
9.2 Roads Monthly Report
10. Jubilee Gardens Contract
The Clerk will report on the works and the quotes for the 2017/18 season
11. Milverton Surgery
Madam Chairman will provide an update
12. Crime
Members will receive and comment on the monthly crime report.
13.  Review of Financial Regulations
The Council's Personnel Committee will report on and make recommendation for the biannual review.
14. Allotments
15. Correspondence
A list will be circulated during the meeting and members may request copies from the Clerk.
Milverton Parish Council
Report of Meeting held 6th February 2016

Councillors met in the Victoria Rooms at the new regular time of 7pm to discuss a long and varied agenda.

The meeting opened with a question about heavy lorries using Turnpike and whether SCC could be persuaded to change the road priority at the junction with Rosebank Road.

Councillors discussed the proposal to create a new council to cover the area of TDBC and West Somerset Council. They expressed concern about reduced representation, the continued devolution of services and the reliance on technology in an area with the highest average age in the country which had very poor connectivity for both mobile phones and the internet.

Madam Chairman reported that the new NHS Partnership Trust was proposing to open a consultation on the future of the surgery. It was hoped that this would start in February but there was concern that the timetable might slip.

The Clerk reported that he had let a contract for cleaning the toilets in Fore Street and at the Recreation Ground from 1st February. As this had been during the absence of the Chairman of the Recreation Ground Committee (who was on holiday) he had copied the documents to the Treasurer of the Recreation Ground Committee. The Treasurer had queried the affordability of this commitment and a meeting to clarify the situation will be held when the Chairman returns.
Mr Jenkins reported that the Planning Inspector had rejected the Notaro appeal for Creedwell. The Option to purchase the access has also been signed between Notaro and TDBC with a 120 day deadline running from 20th January.

The only one item under planning was the felling of two protected trees adjacent to Butts Way. Councillors agreed to their removal after hearing that one had blown down on the 3rd February and the other was badly diseased.

Councillors discussed the proposal to form a Community Benefit Society for the village. Councillors were sceptical about the concept and the proposal. After some discussion they said that until it was formed and set up with a clear purpose there would not consider it further.

Under matters to report Councillors brought forward concerns about vehicles and caravans being parked on the roadside for long periods. The Clerk will liaise with Police about these.
Mrs Pine reported that hedge clippings had been left obstructing the footpath at Ford Bridge.

The Crime report from PCSO Fyne was light with only a domestic incident and a road traffic collision being reported in January.

The Clerk reported that the large maple in the Jubilee Gardens was due to be felled on 16th February by Arboricare. It was not proposed to close the path and the contractor would operate an escorted safe passage system for pedestrians.

The Clerk reported that the Twinning Association had submitted a request to install a pergola at the southern end of the Gardens to provide a clear boundary with the car park and protect the roses that had been donated by their French counterparts on Logny. Councillors were broadly in favour subject to an appropriate agreement being drawn up to cover responsibilities and maintenance.

Under Finance the Clerk reported expenditure of £1194 which included a £500 grant for the Victoria Rooms as well as salaries and subscriptions.

The meeting closed at 9:55pm.