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Sunday, 15 February 2015

Following a request by the applicant TDBC withdrew the application from the Planning Committee agenda for 25th February 2015

Milverton Parish Council


18th February 2015

7.00pm in the Victoria Rooms Fore Street


Questions from the Public.

Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern.

  1. Apologies

Members will be expected to provide reasons for absence. Members are reminded that absence for 6 consecutive meetings without approval could lead to disqualification.

  1. Declarations of Interest

The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.

In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.

  1. Planning

For Parish Council Comment


The Parish Council will formulate its position in relation to the TDBC Planning Officers Report. The application will go to the Planning Committee on 25th February 2015.
Milverton Parish Council
Report of Meeting held 2nd February 2015

The meeting was dominated by concerns and representations over Taunton Deane's latest consultation over the Local Plan. This is the latest iteration of the Site Allocation and Development Management Plan which is open for comments until 26th February.

Fifteen residents attended the meeting to express their concerns about the proposed allocation of 20 new homes in Butts Way. The principal comments related to increased traffic on a narrow and dangerous lane, loss of amenity and loss of farmland.

Responding to these points the Parish Council chairman Dr Russell Jenkins said that the Parish Council had been an active participant in the process since 2011 and had made comments on 17 sites around the village. The result of all that consultation was that this site was now the only one under consideration in Milverton. He restated the Parish Councils published position that this site could possibly accommodate 5 units as infill, but was not a suitable location for 20 houses. He also reiterated the Councils previously expressed concern about the inconsistent application of the selection process.

Taunton Deane Cllr Gwilym Wren explained the context of the consultation. Taunton Deane has to plan to accommodate many thousands of new homes but also maintain a 5 years supply of developable sites. This combination of factors meant that TDBC was constantly refreshing its Local Plan site allocations so it could meet these Government targets. As far as rural villages were concerned Milverton was one of 5 that had to contribute 500 houses to the process, however, there are few reasonable sites in the village which had led to this one being promoted.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would refresh its previous consultation and bring it to a special Parish Council meeting on 18th February (7pm in the Victoria Rooms) for finalising.

The Council also heard that the Creedwell application was due to be heard by the Planning Committee on 25th February and no further delays were anticipated. The Parish Council also agreed that the meeting on the 18th would also be used to consider the Planning Officers report and formulate its response.

In other business the resident who raised the overgrown bridge near the sawmills was delighted with the work done by the EuCAN Milverton Conservation Volunteers to clear it and reveal the masonry. He asked whether SCC Highways could be persuaded to do a similar job on the road bridge? The Clerk promised to investigate.

Councillors also received a question about the slow and erratic nature of Superfast Broadband roll out in the village. Councillors Wren agreed and said that he had been lobbying to get the situation resolved. He said that the whole of Milverton was due to be connected but was very concerned about Fitzhead which was outside the connection project despite being on the Milverton exchange. He would continue to press SCC which was backing the project.

The Clerk reported that SCC was due to install 8 LED street lights in the village before the end of March. Locations would include Butts Way, Burgage, High Street, Creedwell Close, Rosebank Road and St Michaels Hill.

Cllr Roger Cotton confirmed that the arrangements for installing a Community Defibrillator were now well advanced. The cost of the cabinet was £640 and he had received a quote £450 + VAT for the electrical installation. Councillors agreed to these costs and are looking forward to seeing it in place.

Councillors received a brief report from the Milverton Trust on the progress with a new village website. They noted that negotiations with a provider were advanced. It was agreed that the Council would receive a demonstration of the chosen site and its functionality in due course. They also agreed that the Council would provide representatives to the Steering Group.

The Parish Council spent £682.19 in January. This included salaries, grasscutting and the cost of framing the Beth French certificate.

Under matters to report Cllr Eileen McHardy pointed out that the recycling signs were still in the car park by the surgery although the facility was long gone. However, people were still dumping rubbish down there so she asked for the signs to be removed.

Cllr Gill Lumby reported that a protected tree in the field behind Creedwell had been blown over and asked what steps would be taken to replace it.

Cllr Jenny Hoyle felt that a village tidy up was long overdue. The date of 18th April was chosen. As previous events had been coordinated with the Police the Clerk was asked to contact PCSO Louise Fyne.

Councillors agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting would take place on 15th April at 7pm in Victoria Rooms.