Milverton Parish Council Meeting 6th January 2014
The Police report for December included many more incidents than normal. Many of these were due to traffic incidents related to the bad weather such as flooding and fallen trees.
The Police also asked for Parish Council support for a No Cold Calling Zone in Creedwell Orchard. The Parish Council was happy to offer its support.
It was reported that the Planning Inspectorate had delivered an interim report into the Footpath Diversion and Extinguishment Orders on Preston Farm. All the diversions had been approved but the Inspector expressed concern about the proposal to extinguish a path when there was no certainty as to its proper route. The County Council was therefore asked to research the route properly before considering any closure in future.
Councillors heard that the Recreation Ground Committee would be considering proposals to upgrade the Play Area its meeting on 7th January. There are limited funds available through donations from development in the Parish but if a large scale scheme is approved then grant aid would be necessary. The Parish Council has pledged to support the Committee with practical help and some funding.
Following the news that the Milverton Churchyard was likely to be at capacity in three years Councillors have set up a sub Committee to look into providing a new Burial Ground for the village.
Councillors discussed possible uses for the redundant Phone Box at Preston Bowyer. they agreed that if it was relocated to the village it would make a good location for a community defibrillator. County Councillor James Hunt indicated that he would consider a request for a grant from his Health and Wellbeing budget.
In considering the Precept for 2014/15 Councillors reviewed the likely demands on Parish Council finance in the next few years. The Council will need to have funds for the provision of a new Burial Ground and the upgrade for the the Play Area. Additionally the Parish Council is likely to be asked to take on responsibility for the Public Toilets from Taunton Deane if it wants them to remain open. Taking these factors into account together with the prospect of employing professional advice when the Creedwell planning application Councillors reluctantly concluded that the Precept needed to increase. After a long debate they voted to increase the Precept by 10%.