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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

The inaugural meeting of Milverton Parish Council's Amenity Committee will take place at 7.00pm on Monday, 17th June 2013 in the Victoria Rooms, Milverton.

I have pleasure in enclosing an agenda for the meeting. This meeting is open to the public who will be given an opportunity to speak.

The Chairman of the Recreation Ground committee has been invited.

Yours faithfully

Gwilym Wren
Clerk to the Parish Council


Questions from the Public
Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the Parish Council to provide information and raise matters of concern related to the remit of the Committee
  1. Introduction
The Chairman will introduce the Committee (The Chairman, Mrs Lumby, Mrs McHardy, Mr Cotten and Mr Phelps) and outline the remit and frequency of committee meetings.
  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
The Code of Conduct requires that Members disclose interests of a personal, prejudicial and pecuniary nature that may be pertinent to tonight's business. A prejudicial or pecuniary interest will require the member to leave the room during the discussion of the relevant item.
In cases of uncertainty members are recommended to consult the Clerk.
  1. S106 Funds
The Chairman will report on progress.
  1. Preston Bowyer Telephone Box
The committee will discuss the removal of the box and storage arrangements.
  1. Footpaths
The committee will discuss the Turnpike footpath.