Brief Report of the meeting of Milverton Parish Council held on 8th April 2013
Tributes were paid to the late Peter Lacey the Secretary of the Somerset Association of Local Councils. He was praised for his inexhaustible knowledge, energy and unfailing good humour. The Council will be represented at the funeral by Mrs Hoyle.
Councillors discussed the S106 funds that were available for children play and recreation as a result of a development in Preston Bowyer. Initial discussions had been held with the Recreation Ground committee and several items of play equipment were in need of replacement. Councillors agreed that this would be worth considering in more detail and the Clerk was asked to establish what was needed to submit a bid to Taunton Deane. The Parish Council will also be asking for further suggestions at the Annual Parish meeting on 23rd April.
Given the range of amenity matters that were arising Councillors agreed to establish an Amenity Committee. The members chosen were the Chairman, Mr R Jenkins, Mrs R Renfree, Mrs G Lumby, Mr T Phelps and Mrs J Hoyle.
The Council considered a request from the Garden Club to plant more bulbs in the Jubilee Gardens to provide some more colour early in the year. Councillors thought that this was a good idea but felt that the gardens probably needed a more wide ranging refurbishment. It was agreed that this would be passed to the newly inaugurated Amenity Committee.
Councillors were asked to consider giving grants towards a fire alarm system for the Victoria Rooms and a display cabinet for the Village Archive. Both decisions were deferred whilst further information was sought.
There was also a discussion about the village Firework display and the extent that the Parish Council could assist. Councillors felt that there needed to be a formal organising group established before the Council could engage any further.
The closure of the informal path down by the Hillfarrance Brook was discussed. Councillors noted that the formal footpath application had been submitted and that a decision might take five years. The new Amenity Committee will consider approaching the landowner for an agreement to try and get access restored on a permissive basis.
In the meantime the gate from Turnpike was locked and the only way to the existing footpath was over a stile that was causing problems for both dogs and elderly walkers. Somerset County Council had been approached to install a kissing gate.
The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 23rd April. The agenda will include:
- The S106 Funds
- A site for the Preston Bowyer Phone Box
- The Future of the Public Toilets
- The Neighbourhood Plan and Village Survey
- The Village Clean Up
- Creedwell Orchard
Following the Clerk being awarded a Certificate in Local Council Administration it was agreed that Milverton Parish Council now met the legal criteria for designation as a Quality Council. Councillors agreed to formally debate recognition of that status and the acceptance of the Power of Competence at the next meeting.
Diary Dates
22nd April Allotments Meeting. Victoria Rooms 7pm
23rd April Annual Parish Meeting. Victoria Rooms 7pm
13th May Annual Parish Council Meeting. Victoria Rooms 7.30pm