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Sunday, 29 July 2012

August Parish Council Agenda

The next meeting of Milverton Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on Monday, 6th August 2012 at 7.30pm in the Creedwell Community Rooms, Milverton. (Please note change from normal venue).

This meeting is open to the public.

Questions from the Public
  1. Apologies
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes and Matters Arising from minutes
  4. Planning
a) Applications for Parish Council Decision (To be advised)
b) Applications for Parish Council Comment (To be advised)
c) Neighbourhood Plan
d) Other Planning Matters
  1. Creedwell
  2. Milverton Historic Maps
  3. Crime
a) Monthly Report
  1. Roads
a) Monthly Report
b) Bartletts Parking
  1. Code of Conduct
  2. Parish Council Payment Consultation
  3. Footpaths
a) Monthly Report
b) Bridleways
c) Volunteering
  1. Correspondence
a) For Information
b) For action/Resolution
  1. Finance
  2. Matters to Report

Monday, 9 July 2012

Report on the July 2012 meeting of Milverton Parish Council

  • The Parish Council has instructed Foot Anstey to respond to the request to amend the S52 Agreement.
  •  Councillors noted that TDBC had withdrawn the request from the July Planning Committee meeting pending further consideration.
  •  Councillors noted that an application for Town and Village Green status over the Creedwell site had been lodged with SCC by the Milverton & Fitzhead Society.
Neighbourhood Plan
The Chairman reported that he had been in contact with TDBC  who had given him detailed guidance on how the Parish Council should proceed. The first step was a resolution which was duly passed. The Chairman will write back in detail to TDBC covering the points they have asked for.

PC Jo Jeffrey reported low levels of crime, vandalism and anti social behaviour particularly in the Creedwell car park. Some residents had request CCTV and the Parish Council has agreed to investigate the possibility.
The Clerk reported that the latest SCC speeding figures showed that approximately 40% of drivers through Milverton broke the speed limit at some point. She therefore agreed to put in a request for the Road Policing Unit to set up speed controls to support the Speed Watch volunteers.

Parish Volunteers
The Vice Chairman and the Clerk presented a suggestion to set up a Parish Volunteering group to carry out conservation or footpath tasks. They were invited to submit a detailed proposal to the August meeting.

Diamond Jubilee Accounts
The  Clerk reported that £1550 had been raised in donations and £802.43 spent net of VAT.  A proportion of the unspent funds will be returned to the Milverton Trust.

Code of Conduct
Councillors discussed the new Code of Conduct and will seek to adopt it at the August meeting. In the meantime the Chairman and Mrs Hoyle will act as a  sub-committee to assess what will need to be done and recommend a Code of Conduct and register of Interests for adoption.