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Monday, 5 March 2012

Notes on March Meeting

The Annual Parish meeting will be held on 11th April in the Victoria Rooms at 7pm. Councillors agreed to place the following matters on the agenda: 
  •  Re -location and Use of Preston Bowyer Box
  • Milverton Neighbourhood Plan 
 Anyone  wishing to put an item on the agenda was asked to contact the Clerk.

Due to the failure to agree a roadside location Councillors agreed to buy a wheely salt bin for Turnpike.

Under Planning, Councillors considered a proposal for a 50Kw Solar Array at Dyers Farm and were happy to offer their support.

The Neighbourhood Planning process was discussed. A group has been set up and had its first meeting recently. A call for further volunteers to cover specific themes had been placed in the Parish magazine and already three people had volunteered to assist with traffic and the environment. It was hoped to get a full complement of volunteers by the end of March so that the process could set out a timetable to present to the village at the Annual Parish meeting. It was hoped that the work being done by the Action Group's 'terriers' would be particularly relevant.

Councillors also discussed Notaro's invitation to a meeting about the Creedwell field. After some debate Councillors resolved to accept the offer. Mrs Hoyle and Mr Jenkins will represent the Council with a mandate to listen to the proposals but not to enter into discussions or negotiations about them. The meeting will also be attended by representatives of the Action Group and local TDBC Cllr Gwil Wren.

This months crime report covered malicious phone calls, vehicle break-ins, traffic problems, public nuisance and sheep worrying. PCSO Louise Fyne also reported suspicious activity in the form of unsolicited phone calls and house calls.

Under roads the accident in Silver Street was reported as were parking problems near the Globe. The new chevrons had not helped as people were just parking further up Fore Street and it was suggested that double yellow lines would be necessary between the Creedwell and Rosebank Road junctions.

It was reported that SCC had agreed to the siting of a new Jubilee bench opposite the roundabout under the walnut tree on the Fitzhead road junction. Local volunteers have cleared the area an a total of 47 plant species had been recorded nearby including Vipers Bugloss which is uncommon in Somerset. 
It was suggested that an information or interpretive board could be sited to give local information about the history of the area and the wildlife.