An application to build an extension at 15 Woodbarton was approved with conditions.
Councillors discussed the TDBC response to objections from Parish Councils. Cllr Wren explained that a Parish Council objection on its own was not sufficient to trigger the proposal going to the Planning Committee. TDBC normally require 4 other objections or concerns raised by the local Councillor.
The Clerk reported the Parish Councils involvement in the TDBC Core Strategy Examination in Public. A Position Statement was submitted raising concerns about
- the impact of induced traffic on the narrow B3187 and
- the type and size of houses in village.
Councillors were reminded of the Action Group meeting on the 15th February to discuss the village response to the anticipated Notaro application for Creedwell.
Proposals for a Neighbourhood Plan were discussed and the Parish Council will seek advice from TDBC before opening up the process to the village as a whole.
The Council has received many reports of dog fouling on the path to the school, in Fore Street and in the Jubilee Gardens. Councillors were asked to be be vigilant and be prepared to challenge people who fail to control or clean up after their dogs.
The monthly crime report contained the following incidents:
- A car which had been left parked overnight in Creedwell Orchard car park in Milverton had one of it’s tyres slashed.
- A number of garage down pipes had been damaged of the garages in Creedwell Orchard car park.
- On the same evening in Preston Bowyer, an attempt was made to force entry to a garage. Then at a second property a van on their drive had it’s window smashed and items moved, then entry was forced to their garage by removing roof tiles and felt, nothing was stolen.
- I was updated this week by the environmental health department that they successfully prosecuted a Wiveliscombe man for fly tipping on the side of the B3187 and he received a £500 fine.
- Three young Milverton residents have been spoken to about anti social behaviour in the village and their parents informed. They will receive a formal written warning letter.
- Over night thefts of gardening items, and electrical tools is still occurring in the rural areas surrounding Wiveliscombe. Mostly from sheds and garages located at the end of people’s back gardens.
The Council received complaints about parking in junctions and vehicles speeding through the village.
Councillors agreed to the placing of a planter at the entrance to Woodbarton to celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
Councillors heard that the Wellington Restorative Justice project was running down because funding had been withdrawn.
The Chairman gave a report on SCC's Local Choice initiative which sought to delegate various services to lower councils. Unfortunately, no funding was available and so Councillors were concerned as to how long they could continue without putting severe pressure on local precepts.