The Parish Council approved planning applications for Smallbrook Cottage and 15 Woodbarton.
Councillors also formally approved the Delegated Planning Agreement with TDBC for 2011/12.
Councillors discussed the Strategic Housing Local Area Assessments insofar as it it related to the village. Concern was expressed about the possibility of development on the western edge of the village. In order to discuss this properly Councillors agreed to reconvene for a special meeting after the Allotment Meeting on 18th April.
It was also agreed to raise the issue at the Annual Parish Meeting on the 13th. Other items on the agenda will include Solar Power, Community Farming and a Neighbourhood Plan.
PC Jo Jeffrey reported several crimes over the last month including shed break-ins and thefts from the Poole tip.
The issue of speeding tractors with unsecured loads was brought to her attention and she promised to inform the Traffic police.
Mrs Lumby reported that the barbed wire on the fences across the Creedwell filed had been replaced with plain wire.
In matters to report Councillors raised the following
- A request for a salt bin in Turnpike
- Concern over the consultation process for the changes to the church
- The considerable number of potholes
- What was the position over the Affordable Housing in Butts Way?
Cllr Michael King said that he would be standing down after serving on the Parish Council for 28 years.
The Chairman concluded the meeting by also confirming his reitrement from the Council. He reminded Councillors of the pledge to negotiate a S106 agreement with any builder who wished to develop the Creedwell field and ensure that the village benefited. He also reminded Councillors of the Broadband consultation and the need to express support by the 18th April. He also reported that Somerset Arts were seeking funds to replace those lost through the County Council cuts. He also expressed concern that the Clerk was standing for election to TDBC and hoped that this would not give rise to any conflicts of interest.