Councillors were given an up to date report on the Creedwell situation. They were disappointed to hear that Taunton Deane had totally rejected the new evidence put forward and could not understand why a Certificate which reactivated planning permission for a housing development after 26 years through inaccurate and unverified evidence, was effectively incapable of challenge. As a result Councillors are hoping to raise the whole process with Taunton Deane's Scrutiny Committee.
Members also discussed the Localism Bill and agreed that it provided a good opportunity to review the Parish Plan to bring it line with the Bill. It was recognised that this would be a significant piece of work and volunteers were to be sought.
Councillors voted to purchase a grit bin for Woodbarton subject to consultation with the residents regarding its siting. A supply of salt would be delivered to residents in Baghay.
The Community Agriculture meeting will take place in the Victoria Rooms on 15th March with Professor Neil Ravenscroft from Brighton University. It is hoped that there will also be a speaker from the Soil Association.
Councillors completed the Somerset County Council flooding survey and identified four main areas: Sand Street, Englands Corner, the bottom of Houndsmoor Hill and High Street.
Concern was expressed at the state of the road surface in Parsonage Lane and Highways will be asked to look at it to see what could be done.
Under footpaths the collapsed walls near Houndsmoor and Herons Lane are being repaired.
Councillors approved new Standing Orders, a new Grants Policy and a new Complaints procedure. They will all be posted on the website.
Grants were awarded to organisations which directly benefited Milverton parishioners.
- Wiveliscombe Community Office - £500
- Citizens Advice Bureau - £75
- Victim Support £50
- The Samaritans £50
Councillors were told that the Parochial Church Council were now seriously contemplating the sale of the St Michaels Rooms as the cost of the repairs needed was in excess of the income currently being generated.