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Sunday, 30 January 2011

February Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of Milverton Parish Council will take place at 7.30pm on Monday, February 7th 2011 at 7.30pm in the Victoria Rooms, Fore Street, Milverton.

This meeting is open to the public and the agenda is as follows:

Questions from the Public
  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes
  3. Declarations of Interest and Matters Arising from minutes
  4. Planning 
  1. Creedwell
  2. The Localism Bill
  3. Crime
  4. Roads
  5. Footpaths
  6. CiLCA Drafts
a) Standing Orders
b) Complaints Procedure
c) Grants Policy
  1. Grants 2011
  2. Correspondence
a) For Information
b) For action/Resolution
  1. Finance
  2. Matters to Report

NB There are no planning applications to consider this month.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Elections 2011

This is the first notice that Parish Council Elections will take place on 5th May.

With Localism high on the Government's agenda the next few years are likely to be interesting, challenging and rewarding.

The Parish Council is always looking for keen, enthusiastic 'new blood' so if you can spare a few hours a month to help serve your community why not put yourself up for Election?

If you are interested please contact the Clerk, Gwilym Wren on 01823 400657  or email

Wiveliscombe Library

I have been asked to post this message on behalf of those fighting to keep the Wivey Library and we will post more information as and when it is available.

"My name is Denise Reynolds and I am writing to you on behalf of the Friends of Wiveliscombe Library.  There has been a lot of focus in our town on saving our library but certainly part of our campaign statement is that we serve the surrounding 10Parishes area.  I'm wondering if it would be possible for me to email bulletins and announcements about meetings and events regarding the proposed closure of the library for you to post on the message boards directly in your community so people can be alerted without having to come into Wivey.  It would be great if anyone in your villages would like to become a part of the communication network to help spread the word in your individual communities.  
Anyone who wants to see what's been happening can log onto  There they will find news and can also add their contact information if they would like to become a member.

Thank you for your help and support,

Monday, 10 January 2011

Milverton Parish Council January Meeting

In their first meeting of 2011 Councillors discussed the following topics.

The Action Group's Judicial Review process continues with an Oral hearing set for early February. TDBC are still considering the Parish Council request for a reconsideration of the Certificate of Lawfulness.

Councillors discussed the recent severe weather and whether the Parish was as prepared as it could have been. SCC had offered the facility to collect bags of road salt but this was not taken up as the Parish Council had no transport or place to store it. Distribution would also have been difficult.
Four areas had reported problems through not having any salt or grit Baghay, Nynehead Road, Wiveliscombe Road and Woodbarton. Councillors agreed to offer to collect bags of salt for delivery to residents in the outlying areas on the understanding that someone would be prepared to store them securely.
Councillors agreed to look into the provision of a grit bin for Woodbarton. The bin outside the Victoria Rooms will be moved to the nearby toilets as this will be more convenient for Creedwell.
The Clerk was asked to check the existing grit bins and request replenishment from SCC as necessary.

Councillors were disappointed by the negative response of SCC to their request for permanent Speed Watch signs.

Councillors noted that SCC relied on residents who had requested a Disabled Parking Bay to inform them when they were no longer needed and wondered how this worked if the person was deceased. Councillors will be seeking clarification.

The bad weather has contributed to the collapse of a wall alongside a path between Turnpike and Herons Lane which has now been closed until it is made safe.
The footpath between the Orchard and the top of High Street is now in a very poor condition and an urgent meeting is being sought with SCC.
Thanks were offered to Mrs Hennah for leading a very successful village walk on 2nd January.

Village Toilets
Councillors were very concerned that TDBC was considering closing the toilets in Fore Street and at the Recreation Ground. They are both very well used facilities and would be a significant loss to the community, tourists and workmen.
It was noted that the pipes in the Fore Street toilets had burst on Christmas Eve and they had been locked since then.
The Parish Council will be asking TDBC what the situation. is.

Precept for 2011/12
Councillors set the Precept for next year which is unchanged at £11500.

Councillors will circulate the petition to retain the Wiveliscombe Library and the mobile Library service.

Monday, 3 January 2011

A Message about Libraries from SCC

On Wed 15th December) Somerset County Council launched a consultation on the future shape of the Somerset Library network and has proposed that funding for libraries be reduced by 25%. The Public Consultation document on the County Council website at explains the proposals for achieving this.  
In January 2011 there will be ‘library consultation roadshows’ in centres around the county and you and your communities would be very welcome to attend these.  The local meetings in our area will take place as follows

10 January, 2011, 5pm to 8pm : Danesfield School, North Road, Williton TA4 4SW
11 January, 5pm to 8pm : Courtfields School, Mantle Street, Wellington, TA21 8SW
The results of the consultation will be reported to the County Council's Cabinet meeting on 2 February 2011. The Cabinet will recommend a course of action for agreement at the meeting of the full County Council on 16 February 2011.
As individuals, you are invited also to complete a questionnaire and this can be done by
    • accessing the County Council website.  Please follow the link to the consultation survey
    • completing the online survey in a library, using the Free Web Sites service which is available on library computers.  If you have not used this service before and would like assistance, please speak to a member of library staff.
    • completing a printed version of the questionnaire in a library
with best wishes
Phil Nichols
Libraries & Information Manager
Somerset County Council : Heritage & Libraries
office phone : 01935 429614
mobile : 07919 540822

January 2011 Agenda


Questions from the Public
  1. Apologies
  2. Minutes
  3. Declarations of Interest and Matters Arising from minutes
  4. Ms S Wheeler, Chief Executive of SCC has been invited.
  5. Planning
a) Applications for Parish Council Comment (See Below)
b) Other Planning Matters
  1. Creedwell
  2. Crime
  3. Roads
a) Severe Weather
b) Monthly Report
  1. Footpaths
  2. CiLCA Drafts
a) Standing Orders
b) Complaints Procedure
c) Grants Policy
  1. Correspondence
a) For Information
b) For action/Resolution
  1. Finance
a) Precept 2011/12
b) December Report
  1. Matters to Report