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Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Agenda for 5th July


1) Questions from the Public
2) Apologies
3) Minutes
4) Matters arising from minutes
5) Planning
6) Creedwell
7) Crime
8) Roads
9) Footpaths
10) Village Clean Up
11) Dog Bins
12) Milverton Bird Survey
13) Tree Warden
14) Correspondence
15) Finance
16) Matters to Report

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

June Meeting

Here is a brief report of the June meeting

Under delegated planning powers the Parish Council passed an application for a Replacement Single Storey Outbuilding at St Michaels House subject to conditions.

The Parish Council supported the applications for
1) approval of reserved matters at Spring Grove Market Garden and
2) tree works at 7 Woodbarton

Councillors discussed parking at length, particularly the problems in Fore St which is becoming blocked by badly parked cars on a regular basis.
Councillors agreed several actions including
- Asking SCC to consider double yellow lines in problem areas
- Asking the Police/PCSO to keep an eye out and talk to vehicle owners about responsible
- Look into options for a residents parking scheme.

There is a growing number of residents who have volunteered to look after individual footpaths. More volunteers are needed!

Village Clean Up
The Parish Council assisted by Taunton Deane and Avon and Somerset Police are organising a Village Clean Up Day on 18th September.
This is a real opportunity for all of us to get together to help clean up our beautiful village. As well as black plastic bags, hi visibility jackets and letter picking sticks Taunton Deane are providing two skips and a van collection service for large items.
The day will finish with a barbecue at the Recreation Ground and the Police are hoping to be able to organise paintballing as a thank you to younger residents who have taken part.

Councillors agreed to organise a meeting for allotment holders.

There was a letter from the Milverton Trust stating that they were no longer in a position to run the May Day Street Fair and were looking for other village organisations or societies to take it on.

The Annual Audit was signed off.

The meeting finished at 10.10pm.