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Sunday, 24 January 2010

24th January

The next Parish Council meeting will be on 1st February, as the meeting is likely to well attended the Parish Council are trying to see if the main Victoria Rooms Hall or the St Michaels Rooms will be free.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Meeting January 2010: Brief Report


For Decision by the Parish Council
1) 23/09/0054 Erection Of Extension At Dyers Farm Milverton
Councillors approved the application subject to the conditions of time limit and materials set out in the Planning Officers report.
2) 23/09/0055 Erection Of Garden Wall Along Northern Boundary At Borough House, Silver Street, Milverton
Mr Phelps declared an interest.
Councillors heard comments from the applicant and 1 objector who felt the proposed wall would be too high and detrimental to his property.
Mrs Burton said that having seen the proposal from both sides she was satisfied that the privacy of both sides would be adequately protected and therefore was in favour.
On a vote Councillors approved the application 7-0 subject to the conditions of time limit and materials set out in the Planning Officers report.

For Comment by the Parish Council
3) 23/09/057/Lb Repair And Refurbishment Works At The Old House, Parsonage Lane, Milverton, (Retention Of Works Already Undertaken)
Councillors had no comment to make.
4) Erection Of Additional Agricultural Dwelling At Orchard Farm, Hillcommon (Nb This Is Outside The Parish But Is Close To The Boundary So We Have Been Consulted As A Courtesy)
Councillors were grateful for the opportunity to comment and felt that the proposed site would be prominent in the landscape and therefore would need adequate screening.

Tree Warden
None of the candidates were prepared to take the job alone so the Clerk will ask them to reconsider on a job share basis.

It was agreed to offer grants to Citizens Advice Bureau, Victim Support, The Samaritans and Milverton PCC.

Concern was expressed over the number and location of grit bins during the icy weather.

Continuing shed and outhouse break-ins.

Allotment Rents
It was agreed to increase the rents for 10 yards from £5 to £10 and for 5 yards from £2.50 to £5.

Matters to Report
The Parish Council may be approached for a grant to help repair the Church clock which is running 20 minutes fast.