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Thursday, 8 October 2009

October Meeting

Parish Council refused the application for an extension to 11 Woodbarton.
Parish Council supported application to extend the Globe.
We had a presentation from Langford Budville informing the Parish Council about the controversial
Garden Centre application.

The white powder around the village was discovered to be flour put down by a local running club!

The new Vicar Helene Stainer attended the meeting and met Councillors.

Jo Jeffrey reported the sad death of Ch Sup Sandy Paget.
Community Speedwatch will soon be started in the village.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Sunday 4th October

Reports of white powder around the village and sick dogs. Will need to mention to police tomorrow.

Yesterday had a report of cuttings being swept off a footpath into someones drain. No idea who but will investigate.

Tree Warden

We have a volunteer for this post who will be coming to tomorrows meeting.

1st October

Planning site visit to Woodbarton, the Globe and Silver Street.