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Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Tuesday 29th

Email exchange about Woodbarton planning report
Visit from prospective Tree Warden
Put up notices - brief meeting in street
Finalised planning visit for Thurs

Monday, 28 September 2009

Monday 28th

More info about the Woodbarton planning including a 5m phone call.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

27th September

Completed the daft minutes for September plus the actions.
Compiled the agenda for the October meeting and emailled it out. Thanks to Eileen for pointing out the wrong dates!
Set up the planning site visit on Thursday to Woodbarton, The Globe and Silver Street.
Took a 15m call about a planning matter and received a written representation about it.
Updated website.

Friday, 25 September 2009

Friday 25th September

Email from SCC Highways confirming they will chase the school to cut back the vegetation of the Wellington Road. They will also cut back the vegetation on Butts Way.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Thursday 24th September

Today's activity
Planning consultation over a tree in Silver Street. Council will visit on 1st Oct and consider at meeting on 5th.
Various submissions about planning in Woodbarton. Council will visit on 1st Oct and consider at meeting on 5th.
Message over burning plastic behind Fore Street. TDBC have been informed.
Complaint about large stone lorries coming through the village to Wivey.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

New Blog

In response to those who are missing reports about the Parish Council in the local press I have decided to start a blog because it is easier to quickly dash off information and updates here on a daily basis than it is to send to the local papers to coincide with their print runs.
Hopefully the papers will use this as a source of information so that we can reach as wide an audience as possible.